WORLD TIME SERVER. GMT/UTC clock and automatic time zone converter for hundreds of worldwide locations. |
UNIVERSAL CURRENCY CONVERTER. Automatically converts the currency of one country into that of another. Hundreds of countries listed. |
WORLDWIDE POSTAGE RATES. Links for determining postage rates for most major countries of the world. |
INTERNET TRANSLATORS. Translators provide more or less literal translations that do not, generally, take into account grammatical constructions and idiomatic expressions. However, the translators listed below give useful approximations. For difficult text, sometimes it is helpful to use several translators and compare results. |
Free Translation |
Alta Vista Web and Text Translation |
InterTran (InterTran provides the most choices of languages). |
INTERNATIONAL WEATHER. Weather reports and forecasts for most major cities of the world. |
Polar Weather: |
Longyearbyen, Svalbard |
Barrow, Alaska |
Nunavut, Canada locations |
Greenland locations |
NORTHERN WEBCAMS AND WEATHER. Live webcams and weather reports and forcasts from the Svalbard Archipelago. Includes a link to the Weather Underground for worldwide weather including some of the most remote locations on earth. |
WORLD NEWS. Links to media resources, including newspapers, for most major cities and countries of the world. Extensive site includes search capability, numerous languages, links to radio sites, and Polar News. |
METRIC CONVERSIONS. Rule-of-thumb conversions from metric to US values. |
MORE CONVERSIONS. Online automatic calculators for converting a wide variety of values . . . speed, distance, temperature, almost anything! |