Suggestions for further reading . . . |
Norwegian language: |
Fasting, Kåre. Fra Kontraskjæret til Tokio - norsk sivilfyging gjennom 50 år. Oslo, 1959. Quite good. |
Henriksen, Vera. Luftforsvarets historie. Bind 1 Oslo, 1994 and bind 2 Oslo, 1996. The best written and researched book. |
Lunde, Reidar. Hjalmar Riiser-Larsen 1890 - 1965. Norsk Aero Klubbs minnerskrift. Oslo, 1975. Some facts, but otherwise a lot of glorifying. |
Nerdrum, Johan. Fugi Fønix - en beretning om Det Norske Luftfartsselskap. Oslo, 1986. Quite good. |
Riiser-Larsen, Hjalmar. Femti år for Kongen. Gyldendal Norsk Forl., Oslo, 1958. Riiser-Larsen's autobiography; it has for many years been hald as a good source as to the early development both of Norwegian civil aviation, polar exploration, military aviation and the Norwegian exile government during WWII. But in later years it has been treated with more caution, as perhaps being intended as a defense for the personal intriques he was involved with after the war. |
English language: |
Amundsen, Roald, and Lincoln Ellsworth. Our Polar Flight. New York: Dodd, 1925. Includes Riiser-Larsen's role in the 1925 Amundsen-Ellsworth flight to 88ºN. |
Amundsen, Roald, et al. First Crossing of the Polar Sea. New York: Doran, 1927. Includes a chapter by Riiser-Larsen, who was second-in-command and navigator on the 1926 Norge trans-polar flight. |
Heyerdal, Thor, et al. Great Norwegian Expeditions. Oslo: privately printed, no date. Includes a chapter by Riiser-Larsen. |
Simmons, George H. Target Arctic. New York: Chilton, 1979. The best and most extensive history of north polar aviation; this book covers in detail Riiser-Larsen's role. Highly recommended. |
Links to more information . . . |
The aerial exploration of the north polar regions, 1897-1939. Covers Riiser-Larsen's role in the 1925 flight to 88ºN and the 1926 Norge trans-polar flight. |
An excellent source of information on polar aviation. This link is to the English lanuage version. |